Pauline Simon et Ernest Bergez

Per Que Tòrçut Dansan Lo Monde (Pour que tordu danse le monde)

Length 1h

Performance de et avec Ernest Bergez et Pauline Simon | Créée pour le Silencio - Paris

performance - music
There is no date in the future for this show.
31 Jan 2018 — 22H
Montévidéo, créations contemporaines


How can one not be mistaken between tradition and authenticity, how can one not choose between taking over and inventing? P. Simon and E. Bergez explore the invention potential of the “traditional”, through an experimental perspective of Auvergne music and popular dance. The work originates from a treatise written by F. Dezangles around a Middle-Age dance, censored then forgotten: la Goignade. As speleologists, they explore its transformation rites (voices, expressions), the extraversion of an archaic and liberating energy, which place it in the monstrous field. At the same time, the point is to question popular traditions becoming folklore, this protection movement, which risks altering or even taking away the habits from the people.


Production Silencio – Paris 

En coréalisation avec Montévidéo, créations contemporaines


Tarif plein 12 € | Tarif réduit 8 €

Pass Soirée
Tarif plein 20 € | Tarif réduit 12 €
31.01 à Montévidéo : MULTIVERSE + Per que Torçut dansan lo monde