Institut des Recherches Menant à Rien - IRMAR

The IRMAR is not Rennes Research Institute for Applied Mathematics, and still.

The IRMAR was founded in 2007 by budding musicians and ex-actors (from Cannes Regional School of Acting - ERAC), along with the people walking in the street that day (most of them are unemployed today)

The work of the IRMAR consists in showing certain things and hiding others.

The IRMAR explores quite a lot of causes and effects.

The IRMAR chose, willy-nilly, the stage as a place and subject for its research. Moved by a nearly complete ignorance of what may well be the Theatre, the IRMAR focuses on searching the issues of it and prefers digging from below rather than reaching for the sky of theatrical thinking.

The shows of the IRMAR are therefore the result of the encounter between tools looking for things and things looking for their tools, all "controlled" ("régi" in French - hi Claude) by the banal will to save the world and the animals.

The IRMAR believes that they are too many things.

The IRMAR worked a lot on Nothing, and on Something too, acquiring thus a solid experience in the subject matter.

The IRMAR inherited a common interest that its staff has, or has had, for: concrete, industrial, music, and the sounds of life; the writings by John Cage; Dada, Fluxus, The Situationists, Factory Records, Sarah Records, 4AD, and all the rest of them; aviation, pumpkin milk soup, Burgundy truffle, leek fondue, the vegetables of the garden, tarte Tatin pie, Burgundy and the land of Châtillonais.


Du Caractère Relatif de la Présence des Choses

Institut des Recherches Menant à Rien - IRMAR

untitled ( - %d Byte)


Directed by: Victor Lenoble - Mathieu Besset

With: Lyn Thibault, Olivier Veillon, Baptiste Amann, Solal Bouloudnine

In collaboration with: Albert Jaton, Benoit Marchand

Production: L'OUTIL
With the support of KOMM’N’ACT, Montevideo, CDN de Gennevilliers, JTN and Théâtre Mansart

On the Relative Nature of the Presence of Things
is a relative show (which can be looked at but also, only listened to). In fact, its title has taken precedence over its writing.

We use the stage to focus all the attention on one thing at a time, two at the most (three sometimes).
Outside of this space, we believe there are too many things.

We attempt to extract the potential sound and physical neutrality from the natural tension of the events in order to harmonize with the subject matter.
It's quite something isn't it?

If there are moments of silence and emptiness, it is to take better advantage of them.

The IRMAR works to the point of not knowing how to go beyond, in the name of what, and for whom exactly.
The pure pleasure of speech without orders, of invertebrate noises and patient images which lead us to a likely space of cheerful gatherings and complete solitude.

For all these things, John Cage inspired us a lot.



Regards Croisés

Yaïr Barelli, RSJ Works / Human Works, Rana Hamadeh, Maud Vanhauwaert, Marjolijn Van Heemstra, Le bruit des nuages, L'Employeur, Institut des Recherches Menant à Rien - IRMAR, Alexander Schellow

The same video material is sent to each invited artist one month and a half prior to the festival.
Each can use it anyway they want to come up with a spontaneous artistic act in return: extension, disruption, diversion… of the movie clip.
The open artistic act can be a text, a video, a photograph, a collective or individual proposal on stage, etc.
Each artist or artistic team will show their act during the closing night of this third edition, on Saturday, May 28, 2011.

© Tabas

Bulle d'artiste de l'IRMAR - Banquet #5

Institut des Recherches Menant à Rien - IRMAR

L’Institut des Recherches Menant A Rien - L’IRMAR - cuisine sa Bulle d’artiste dans le cadre des Rencontres//03.

Sur réservation *nombre de place limité et en prévente uniquement.
20 euros (cocktail / assortiment de tapas / dessert surprise / vins bourguignons)

Présentation relative des choses

L'IRMAR souhaite avant tout bien manger avec ses hôtes, et sans chichi. Et parce qu'il ya décidément trop de choses, nous essaierons de ne faire que ça : manger. Puisque c'est de cela qu'il s'agit. A ceux qui trépignent d'en savoir davantage sur les dessous du mystère spectaculaire que sont les "shows" de l'IRMAR, nous leur dévoilerons ce qui se cache dans la boîte, ce qu'il y a sous la table, dans le sac, qui parle et qui change la cassette.

Un menu composé et cuisiné par Olivier Veillon :
Cocktail doux amer // Velouté d'asperges vertes // Jambon persillé bien de chez nous // Fougasses // Carpaccio de poisson du jour // Oeufs pochés et pousses d'épinards poêlées // Verdures // Jeunes poireaux al dente // Deux tapas spontanés // Fromages bourguignons // Dessert surprise // Vins bourguignons.

Informations et réservations auprès de KOMM’N’ACT
+33(0) 4 91 91 50 26 |

Les places sont limitées accessibles en pré-vente uniquement :
par chèque et envoi postal : KOMM’N’ACT 93 La Canebière BP 9, 13001 Marseille FRANCE
ou auprès de la Galerie des Grands Bains Douches de la Plaine 35 bis rue de la Bibliothèque 13001 Marseille FRANCE.