Alexander Schellow

Carte blanche à Alexander Schellow

For the 3rd edition of Rencontres //, Komm’N’Act gives carte blanche to the German artist Alexander Schellow, in partnership with the film production company FILMS DE FORCE MAJEURE – currently producing his next film, OHNE TITEL.

Ongoing exhibition: La Friche La Belle de Mai / Hall de la Cartonnerie
(invited photographer: Elise Tamisier) from 20 to 28 May from 6 to 10pm
Installation from 19 to 28 May: Les Variétés Cinema

Screening of unreleased spots from 29 April: Les Variétés Cinema

Performance Monday 23 May at 7pm / Art-Cade Gallery
(invited artist: Rémy Héritier) - admission free, booking required.

Alexander Schellow's work is based on a way of drawing which is part of a performative approach and results from a process revolving around remembering or rather "memory reconstruction": the Indian ink drawings on see-through paper, emerge from the methodical reconstruction of the artist's memories by himself, later on. As he relies