Silvia Costa

La dimora del Lampo

Concept Silvia Costa 

Music Lorenzo Tomio Draws of the installation Maroussia
Staging assistant Vaes Francesco

performance and workshop for young public
— Marseille
There is no date in the future for this show.
27 Jan 2016
14H, 15H, 16H
Théâtre de l'Œuvre — Marseille
28 Jan 2016
16H30, 17H30
Théâtre de l'Œuvre — Marseille
29 Jan 2016
16H30, 17H30
Théâtre de l'Œuvre — Marseille
30 Jan 2016
10H, 11H, 14H, 15H, 16H, 17H
Théâtre de l'Œuvre — Marseille

A black box, half-way between fairground sideshow and contemporary art installation. The young viewers are entitled to enter in small groups. Steeped in darkness, they will experience illusion, of what is seen and what is imagined. The benevolent darkness hosts in its centre a skylight, which opens onto a multiple world. A giant kaleidoscope, playing with diffraction and inversion to produce an infinite combination of scenes, suitable to fuel the imagination. Here nothing is given, everything is suggested. It is up to children to use their sensitivity to connect these images rising from the dark. Stealth like shadows, short-lived like dreams, transient like lightning. 

Before the show, the children can learn how to make their own kaleidoscope. A playful initiation to optics, and to the mischievous tricks our eyes can sometimes play on us.


Coproduction Uovokids 2013