Maya MasseMaud Blandel — I L K A

Diverti Menti


Concept and choreography
Maud Blandel

Choreography and performance
Maya Masse
W.A. Mozart, A. Françoise, S. Aeschimann

Maya Masse (danseuse), Simon Aeschimann (guitare), Serge Bonvalot (tuba), Antoine Françoise (piano), et en alternance avec Samuel Fried (piano) et Flavio Virzi (guitare)

In collaboration with
l'Ensemble Contrechamps de Genève
Light design
Daniel Demont
Light technician
Edouard Hügli
Musical analysis
Alain Franco

Regard Extérieur
Romane Peytavin
Production and touring
Alice Fabbri for Parallèle
Production and touring
Parallèle - Pôle de production international pour les pratiques artistiques émergentes
Arsenic - centre d'art scénique contemporain, Lausanne | ADC - Association pour la Danse Contemporaine, Genève | Contrechamps, Ensemble de musique contemporaine de Genève   
La place de la danse — Centre chorégraphique national Toulouse - Occitanie | Arsenic - centre d'art scénique contemporain, Lausanne | Maison des arts du Grütli - Studio de danse de l'ADC  | Centro Cultural do Car taxo, organisé dans le cadre de Materiais Diversos dans le cadre de MTT | Kanuti Gildi SAAL | Centre National de la Danse, dans le cadre de la formation édition spéciale #3
Ville de Lausanne | Pro Helvetia - Fondation Suisse pour la culture | Loterie Romande | Fondation Nestlé pour l'art
Touring support
With the support of Fonds culturel de la Société Suisse des Auteurs (SSA)
The piece was developed within the framework of the European project « More Than This ».
The company I L KA benefits from a contract of confidence with the city of Lausanne — 2021-2024.

Création 2020



There is no date in the future for this show.
29 Jan 2020
19H, 21H
Théâtre des Bernardines, Marseille
Maud Blandel invites dancer Maya Masse and three soloists of Contrechamps from Geneva to develop an approach to composition based on the series Divertimenti by Mozart.
A new orchestration of Divertimento K.136 for a first-time quartet originates from this research: a guitar, a tuba, a piano and a dancing body.
What is revealed by such a transposition of entertainment? What is unveiled by a new organisation of the entertaining function?
Emphasizing what such a musical genre encapsulates in terms of expressiveness, Diverti Menti works towards the creation of a polyphony: a musical body, freed from narrative requirements, whose four voices devote themselves to a joint activity: defying speeds in order to thwart time.